Comprehensive Yet Simple Programmatic Reports
Forget about Quarterly Business Reviews that are way too “Top Level” and provide no actionable analysis.
Healthy Ads Programmatic Reports solution is simple. We provide on a monthly basis Programmatic Buyers and Brands Trading programmatically, complete transparency from a Sell Side perspective. In essence we share all the Business Intelligence we have available to you. Since 2013, we have provided monthly via email (on the 2nd Wednesday of the month) to all our Buyers our Programmatic Reports.

Programmatic Buyer Report Card
Specifically designed for Agency Trading Desks, Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) and Independent Trading Desks, our Programmatic Reports provides programmatic-enabled buyers our short, 3 to 4 Page Buyer Report Card is custom to every buyer. The Report is intended to be a “Top-Level Report”, provide a buyer a complete snapshot of activity for the last 30 days across our managed supply. We are regularly reminded by Agency Trading Desks that our Programmatic Reports are the most comprehensive reporting provided by the Sell Side.
Programmatic Brand Report Card
Largely Based on our Programmatic Buyer Report Card, our Programmatic Brand Report is designed for Brands that have their own internal brand trading desk or a brand’s advertising agency. While the Buyer Report is built upon the Buyers Member ID, the Brand Report is built around either a holding company or multiple brands. This allows us to create highly relevant Programmatic Report around your brand offering something unique and insightful. We can also create them on a country by country basis.
Some of the elements built into each report include ;
Spend by Day & Country
Endemic and Non-Endemic Brands
Ad Sizes & Media Types
Deal IDs Running and Not Live
Top Publishers Websites
Impression Availability
Data Segments Being Purchased
Suggested Bidding Ranges
Popular Creatives plus Creative Previews
…and many more interesting observations
Deal Reporting
Many Programmatic Buyers using multiple DSPs and as such we’ve developed specific Deal Reporting irrespective of the DSP or SSP the deals are setup in. To make it turnkey, our Deal Report provides simplistic and holistic reporting that allows Programmatic Traders to add Deal IDs to campaigns quickly and easily. Our simple naming conventions help illustrate what inventory the Deals include.